【S32K on Echoes】 车规级芯片 S32K1xx 简介与方案建立




请问小野丽莎【蓝色夏威夷】Aloha Oe的歌词!

Aloha Oe据说是夏威夷最后一任女王莉莉.乌欧卡拉尼(Queen Lili uokakani)作品,Aloha Oe不只旋律优美,歌词亦相当动人,与苏格兰民谣Auld Lang Syne(骊歌)已成为世界上流传最广的二首离别歌曲。 5Tq 3L[T5;
夏威夷语歌词 Qn8"I83AV
Aloha Oe RZjR d
Ha aheo ka ua I na pali sEa:p: !
Ke nihi a e la I kanahele bMYRQ,K`C
E uhai ana paha I kal liko l{4Wn Va
Pua ahihi lehua a o uka E7D DMU
Hui: jQhf)B
Aloha oe aloha oe P?F:x=@'|
E ke onaona noho I ka lipo gE&f}M-
One fond embrace a ho I a e au =@'" "Nh
?#'qY6 ^
英文直译: T-,r
Until we meet again  1Sy# *
Farewell to Thee W[jxfZD9v
Proudly by the rain in the cliff eIO}/npT]Q
The creeping silently and softly up the forest R8E<;^?j
Seeking perhaps the bud |lv4X }H
Flower ahihi lehua of inland }MX`WW0]Z
Chorus: PIA&s6U
Farewell to thee, farewell to thee .q=X58tHu
Sweet fragrance dwelling in the dark forest rk~/^(!
One fond embrace, before I now leave ..!yf e"5
Until we meet again Z_;' r|c
第二段歌词(chorus)写得真是动人,译成中文为: s[g1e i9
4@5珍重再见 珍重再见 e D}Ga4 幽暗的森林中传来花儿的芬芳 ("aYjK k 在离别前 给我一个深情的拥抱 qUo(hbp 直到我们再相聚 GP[$&8M ~2qFA2 英文歌词 ^'h~#7s Aloha Oe ; R67a V, See the dark clouds are low up on Wau-kia-kia Pg:Nz@CQ A sign that we two must soon be parted /#XO!%=7 I can’t hide thee in my arms and keep thee u66w('2 I can only kide that I am broken hearted ^a(q7ZfY BYGLYT;Z Chorus: mdk:2ndP Farewell to thee, farewell to thee GY!&H"% I shall always wait for thee among the flowers `R^)< v* One fond embrace, one kiss and then 4Qw!YI#40$ Farewell until we meet again 9KP+ Hear the sad morning of the restless ocean Fb_~{q It echoes back my lonely sobbing M_PL{ And my heart is still burning with devotion TEYbB=. To cry out against the love we are robbing E 1>3[3 Um|:AT}`^ R% ddB D? 中文歌词的译词更棒: 1mB6rp aWit^dp 绵绵密密的乌云堆满山顶 !?KY;3L: 拢照着那山顶上的树林 gs. K,xma 那山谷中吹来的凄凉野风 f[X>?{q 激荡起我们的别意离情 F'Wef11Yz "=Ziy4V 珍重再见 珍重再见 upX/fL c l lQ 亲爱的朋友 离别就在眼前 f'}23> 从今以后再相见前 k1]?d7g$w 我们会感到心酸 V57^0^Zp` D,J's(wd 中文译词的意境比较偏重在一般好友的离情,不似原歌词是意指恋人的离别,所以这首歌因而在团康活动中被使用得最多,却相当贴切。狄斯耐卡通电影「星际宝贝」亦将此曲作为电影插曲,剧中情境感人。 8(ZQD+U(9F

