


Melexis和emotion3D通力合作,在单个摄像头中集成了DMS和HUD动态对象校正 ( 虚拟现实 第1张


此演示系统融合了Melexis所提供的先进3D Time-of-Flight 传感器芯片——MLX75027,以及emotion3D开发的专业车内分析解决方案——E3D ICMS,共同构筑了一套功能强大的摄像头组件。该分析软件具备出色的适应性与集成能力,能够无缝嵌入到专为汽车应用设计的系统级芯片中,从而实现精准且高效的数据处理和决策支持。

按照监管指引的要求,在新型车辆中集成文档管理系统已成为不可或缺之举;同时,增强现实平视显示器的采纳也日益普及。emotion3D的主管人物Florian Seitner强调,我们精心设计的系统将这两项技术整合于一体,旨在为汽车制造商提供一个兼具精确度与高性价比的卓越方案。

Gualtiero Bagnuoli, the Product Marketing Manager at Melexis, underscored the paramount importance of ToF technology in achieving a streamlined DMS algorithm. By integrating accurate and reliable 3D eye position detection typically employed in Head-Up Display systems with unobstructed gaze and eyelid opening/closing detection capabilities insensitive to sunlight, he highlighted how this innovative approach optimizes performance significantly. The integration of ToF technology ensures efficiency gains, as capturing precise depth data from a 3D ToF sensor chip is both simple and requires minimal computational resources for processing. The seamless compatibility between DMS algorithms, HUD systems, wide-angle lenses, and VGA resolution ToF sensor chips underscores the harmonious interplay of these technologies in enhancing overall functionality and user experience.

